Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 20:8-11

Tanggal: 04/10/2020


God has blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy and God wants us to remember it and keep it holy.
God made the Sabbath day for His own glory and for our own good.
Three Rs that are important to help us keep the Sabbath day holy:
1. Remember
When God gave this commandment to Israelites, God wants them to remember that God has free them from the slavery. God also wants us to remember that God has freed us from the slavery of sin that has separated us from God by sending Jesus to the world and died for us.
2. Rest
God said we should only work for 6 days but we should rest as how God rest on the seventh day after creation. On the seventh day God stop creating but God sustains all the creation. It doesn’t mean that we should just sit or sleep and do nothing. We still can do necessity and mercy work on Sabbath day.
3. Refresh
We need to be refresh physically and spiritually. We can be refreshed spiritually by worshipping God. We can worship God privately or publicly. The sermon, prayers and songs can remind us the love of God for us and that God is in control of everything so that we will be refresh and ready for the week ahead. Therefore we need to be focus when we worship.

Ayat Hafalan:

Exodus 20:8
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
