Bahan Alkitab: Luke 1:1-25, 57-80; Mark 1:1-8

Tanggal: 06/12/2020


We learn about Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. He was a priest, both were righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord, had no child, advanced in years-old.
It was Zechariah’s turn to serve as a priest in the temple.  His job was to enter the temple  and burn incense on the altar. 
While Zechariah was burning incense an angel of the Lord stood on the right side of the altar of incense.  Zechariah was troubled and very afraid. 
The angel told Zechariah that their prayers were heard and they would have a baby boy and they would call him John. Many people will rejoice at his birth.  John would be great before the Lord.  He would be filled with the Holy Spirit even while he was in Elizabeth’s womb.

Zechariah and Elizabeth must have prayed and prayed to have a child and when they became old may have felt that they would never have a child.  God hears and answers prayer. 
The angel’s message from God was that they would have a baby and he would be the one that was predicted to come and prepare the way for the Messiah.  Zechariah didn’t believe that it was possible because they were old, too old to have babies.
Because Zechariah didn’t believe the message from the mouth of an angel sent by God, Gabriel told him he would be silent until the child’s birth.

The people outside the temple began to wonder why it was taking Zechariah so long to come out of the temple.  When he came out of the temple he began making hand gestures to them.  They realized that he must have had a vision in the temple. After his time to serve at the temple was complete, he and Elizabeth went home.  God kept His promise to Zechariah and Elizabeth became pregnant.
John the baptist grow up and become preacher that prepare people of the Messiah that will come.

While we wait for the second coming of our God, let’s be faithful to trust and obey what we know God has told us from His Word.

Ayat Hafalan:

Malachi 3:1a
Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me.
