Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 35:1–2, 10–19, 29 ; Numbers 2:1–2, 17 ; Exodus 40:34-38 ; John 1:14

Tanggal: 10/01/2021


Last week we learned that God told his people Israel to build a sanctuary. God gave Moses a detailed plan for his sanctuary, which the people were to follow exactly. But before the work actually began, God reminded them of the important of sabbath. By obeying, the Israelites were showing that they trusted God and were his covenant people.

When it was time to go to work, the people brought materials to build the tabernacle. The people gave willingly from the heart because God enabled them to do so. They were learning that God powerful and holy. He is loving and faithful to his people, and they wanted to respond to him in trusting obedience. They gave from hearts filled with gratitude. Then God said that all the Israelites who were skilled work- ers-those who were good at making things-were to come and build the tabernacle, using the materials God said the people were to bring.

God divided the people into camps. God had a different plan for the tribe of Levi: Moses, his brother Aaron and other Levite families. The Levites were placed closest to the tabernacle.

God arranged for it to be there to teach Israel to live in his presence and learn to depend on him. How wonderful that God was pleased to dwell in this tabernacle made by his people, exactly like the pattern he gave them! When it was set up and everything was in place, God kept his promise to come and live with his people.

In the new testament, we learned that tabernacle is just a shadow of the coming of Jesus, God who is willing to live among human.

Ayat Hafalan:

John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Guru:Liana Liep