Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2:1-20

Tanggal: 19/12/2021



There is a child who is unwell. She is unhappy and irritated as it is almost Christmas and she is unwell. She is afraid that she is unable to celebrate Christmas. The child’s Sunday School teacher visited her and though there is no gift from the teacher, the teacher has a good news to share.

Main Story

Caesar, a powerful royal ruler decided to count all the people who lives in his lands. So all the people had to travel to the towns where they are born to get their names on the ruler’s list of people. As a result, though Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, they had to travel to Bethlehem.

When Mary and Joseph finally got to Bethlehem, the town was crowded with visitors. All the houses were filled with people who had come to get their names on the ruler’s list of people. Mart and Joseph could not find a room anywhere. They were left with only one place to stay and rest. It was a stable, a place where animals were kept, so they took a shelter there.

That night something wonderful happened. Mary gave birth to baby Jesus. The promised child, the Savior, the Son of God came to earth for you and I.

At the same time, there were shepherds in the fields nearby Bethlehem. They were watching over their sheep. Suddenly an angel came and shared a good news to them, whereby the promised Savior, Christ the Lord was born in Bethlehem. The shepherds hurried off to find Mary and Joseph and the baby. Eventually, the shepherds saw baby Jesus in the manger. The shepherds were too excited to keep the good news to themselves. They told everyone they saw that God’s Son, the promised Savior, had been born in Bethlehem.


After listening to the story, the unwell child is happy that God never leave her alone. A little calling made in the end if the children would like to accept Jesus as their personal Savior.

Ayat Hafalan:

Luke 2:11
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you…
