Bahan Alkitab: EXODUS 5:1 – 12 : 42

Tanggal: 21/06/2020

Kategori: sm-sore-p12


Nast Alkitab : EXODUS 5:1 – 12 : 42

God Shows mercy to those whose trust Christ for salvation.

God let Moses and his family back to Egypt because they have a special mission sent by the Lord to Pharaoh the king of Egypt.
Therefore Moses and Aaron being sent by God to meet Pharaoh as God's representative to deliver Israel from slavery.
The important message has been sent to Pharaoh as Moses told him God said “Let My People Go” but Pharaoh didnt care because he doesnt really know who is the God of Israel, he is not afraid of God and he disobey God's command. Therefore, Aaron took his staff and threw it down on the ground right there at Pharaoh's court it became snake. Quickly Pharaoh also called his magician to did a similar things but all other snakes were swallowed by Aaron's snake. But he still didnt bother about God's mesaage. Here God gives a commandment to Moses, the 10 plagues will be given to Egypt since Pharaoh keep harden his heart.

The 10 plagues were:
1. Plague of water into blood
2. Plague of frogs
3. Plague of gnats
4. Plague of flies
5. Plague of livestock
6. Plague of boils
7. Plague of hailstorm
8. Plague of locusts
9. Plague of darkness
10. Plague of First born died.

Until the plague of number 9 still Pharaoh never surrender to God at the end God says He will give thr hardest judgement of Egypt

In every egyptian the eldest son will die only Israelites the chosen one will be saved. God told them to kill the best lamb and put its blood on your doorframe. The Lord will passover your house when he sees the blood of lamb He will save the first born or eldest son so they wont die. Therefore, after the 10th plague, Pharaoh surrender to God of israelites. He was defeated and God conquer and Israelites has been delivered. Who is the passover lamb that God mentioned here His blood can cover a sinner like us…He is Jesus Christ, whoever believed in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Therefore, children will we trust and obey our saviour and follow his commandment? If yes, then we will be saved and we can share the good news of salvation to others as well so they will be saved too.

Ayat Hafalan:

Psalm 121:3-4 (ESV)

3 He will not let your foot be moved;
he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

Bahan Tambahan:

Ringkasan Khotbah 21 June 2020 – Sugiarto Tan.txt
Lesson 03 Trusting God's Mercy – Sugiarto Tan.pdf

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