Bahan Alkitab: Joshua 5:13-8:35

Tanggal: 23/08/2020


Bible Story:

The people of Israel knew that God has led them miraculously across the Jordan River, but they could see there were a stone wall around Jericho and tall towers were surrounded by the enemy’s guards. More than a million people had crossed the Jordan river and set a camp in the countryside of Canaan. The enemy’s guards could see the Israelites and they are ready for a battle. But Israelites were courageous because they believed what God has promised. God promised to be with them in a battle and give Jericho to them. The Lord told Joshua how to defeat the Jericho’s army and get the city. The army only need to march around the city day after day, the priests would march with them, carrying the ark of the covenant and blowing trumpets for 6 days and the 7th Day when you hear the loud trumpet blast, shout for the Lord will give you the city. Once you have entered the city, everything must be destroyed only Rahab and her family should be saved because they have helped hiding Israel’s spies. Also, the gold and silver items are to be kept for the Lord and put into his treasury. Therefore, they did according to God’s instruction, Jericho’s wall fell to the ground, Israel’s soldier walked across the piles of stones into the city and destroyed everything. But one soldier named Achan saw a beautiful coat, lump of gold and pile of shining silver. He kept everything hidden by himself no one knows except God. Meanwhile the Israelites were happy because God has given the great victory over Jericho. The next city they are going to reported by spies is called Ai this city is small so Israelites feel it will be easy to capture. But the fact is to their surprise, they were defeated by Ai soldiers and Israelites soldier were killed about 36. Therefore, they ran away and back to their own camp. Joshua cried out to the Lord ask God “why has this happened to us? Now all the Canaanites will hear about our defeat and will laugh at our God. God answered Joshua – because Israel has sinned and violated my covenant. God said Israelites had taken things from Jericho that should be destroyed or put into His treasury. God will not be with Israel until that sin was taken out of the camp. God showed Joshua the guilty man and that man called Achan has admitted his sin against God. Therefore, Achan and his family were taken outside the camp and they stone them to death. Now the Israelite are ready to obey God again. God has told Joshua to plan a surprise attack on Ai. Some of Joshua’s soldier hid behind the town, some are hiding in the hills. When the gates of ai open soldiers poured out of Ai to drive the Israelites back. While Ai’s soldiers were chasing them, Joshua’s men been hiding in the hills went through the open gates and captured Ai and set it on fire. When the soldier’s Ai looked back and saw clouds of smoke rising from their city, they cried…we have been tricked but it was too late. The Israelites build a great stone altar to praise God over the victories of Jericho and Ai. Joshua remind them / Israel the word of God written by Moses. God promised to bless His people if they obey them and followed His word. His warning God would punish if His people disobeyed

Ayat Hafalan:

James 1:22 (ESV)
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

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