Bahan Alkitab: Jonah 1-3

Tanggal: 25/10/2020


God is Merciful to Sinners.

Jonah was the prophet of God. God had a special mission for Jonah to deliver God’s message in Niniveh…but Jonah dislike the people of Niniveh simply because they have sinned against God, they did a lot of evil things to others including Jonah’s family. Therefore, Jonah had a bitterness with the Niniveh people. Therefore, Jonah didn’t want to follow God’s will and disobeyed God by not going to Ninive.
The day that Jonah plan to escaped from God’s mission was he tried to go to the opposite direction instead of going to Ninive, he bought a ticket and ship to Joppa. He thought he can ignore God’s calling but then God did something and make a miracle. During the trip, suddenly there were a huge storm and great wind. The sailors terrified that the boat was about to fall apart. The people on the boat were cried out to their false God to save them but the storm continued. Until Jonah saw what was going on and how afraid the sailors were, he knew in heart that he can’t run away from the Lord.
Therefore, Jonah told the sailors it is my fault that this terrible storm has come upon you. He told them, pick me up and throw me to the sea and everything will be calm again. At first, they were hesitated but then they did according to what he said. Truly, after Jonah was thrown into water, no more storm and everything became calm. The people amazed of what the Lord had done.
God loved Jonah and so he sent a great fish to save Jonah for 3 days and nights. The giant creature came along and swallowed Jonah alive. Although it wasn’t the best place to stay but at least inside the fish, Jonah is saved and he could think, pray and repent from his obedience against God’s will. Jonah thank the Lord who has saved him, and he promised to obey the Lord.
This time God told Jonah to go to Niniveh and preach the gospel. He preached the gospel to everyone including the King and ask them to repent from their terrible sins otherwise God will destroy them in 40 days. Therefore, the King and all the people are all listened to Jonah. They are begging God to forgive their sins and including the animal put on stock cloth and fast to show God that they really need God’s mercy.
God listened to the Ninivites as they truly repented from their sins and believed in Him. So, God forgave them and showed them mercy. God has saved them.

Ayat Hafalan:

John 14:15
If you love me, you will obey my commandments.

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