Bahan Alkitab: 1 Kings 3; 10:1-13; James 1:5

Tanggal: 27/09/2020


Sekolah Minggu Sore P1-P2

Tema: Obey God and do what is right

Bahan: 1 Kings 3; 10:1-13; James 1:5

Point pengajaran:

–   David pass away and Solomon become the next  King

–  In a dream God spoke to Solomon and ask what he wants and he said he wants wisdom to rule over Israel

–  God is please and bless him with wisdom, wealth and honour

–  His wisdom is tested when two woman’s met him and say that the children belong to one of them

–  His judgment make him a famous kings all over the regions

–  Queen Sheba  Hurt about Solomon and decided to met him

–  She was awed at what Solomon has told her and the way that God blessed him

–  God blessed Solomon because he obeyed his commandment and ruled with wisdom

– we must learn to obey God and do what is right all the time

Memory Verse:

Psalm 23:3b He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (ESV)

Ayat Hafalan:

Psalm 23:3b
He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (ESV)

Guru:Jusanto Mulianton