21/02/2021 – Love Your Enemies

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Activity: Solve the cipher and decorate the heart Bahan Tambahan: LoveYourEnemies21-02-2021-1.pdf Guru: Maria Widjaja

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21/02/2021 – Love Your Enemies

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Activity: Solve the cipher and decorate the heart Bahan Tambahan: LoveYourEnemies21-02-2021.pptx Guru: Maria Widjaja

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21/02/2021 – Jesus and the Fishermen

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 5:1-11 Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Ringkasan: Simon Peter knew fishing very well. He had fished in the Sea of Galilee all his life. He knew where the fish were (he thought he did). He was exhausted from fishing all night and catching nothing. Then Jesus told Peter to go out into deep water and …

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21/02/2021 – Drawing Near To God Through Christ

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Hebrew 9:1-15; 10:1-25; 13:15-16 Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Ringkasan: Points of Learning: I. Cognitive: In God’s mercy He allowed sinful people to bring sacrifices by a high priest in order to be accepted by God. Affective: Children realised that our sins separate us from God. Psychomotor: Children turn away from sins and sincerely turn to …

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21/02/2021 – Luke 8:40-56

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Activity: 1. Answer Question (Letter’s chain) 2. Colouring Bahan Tambahan: WhatsAppImage2021-02-20at16.54.43.jpegWhatsAppImage2021-02-21at10.06.23.jpeg Guru: Esther

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21/02/2021 – Love your enemy

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5:44 Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Ringkasan: God has given His command to love our enemy but do you realize that actually, we were God’s enemy before. We do not obey the Lord. We do not respect the Lord but God loves us, his enemy and God even sent His Only Son to die for …

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21/02/2021 – Jesus says, love your enemies

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5: 43-38 Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Ringkasan: One day Jesus walked up to the mountain side and sat down, he was teaching out on a hillside. We call his lesson that day The Sermon on the Mount. “You have heard that you should love your neighbours and hate your enemies,” Jesus said. “But I …

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21/02/2021 – Fishers of Men

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Activity: Lihat file Cara Membuat.pdf Bahan Tambahan: FishersofMen.pdfCaraMembuat.pdfFishersofMenContoh.jpg Guru: Maureen

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21/02/2021 – Drawing Near to God through Christ

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Hebrews 9:1-15; 10:1-25; Hebrews 13:15-16 Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Ringkasan: For the past few weeks, children have been learning about God’s commandment on how the people of Israel should worship Him, which include the setting apart of the priests, type of sacrifices to offer, and the holy days to keep. This week children will learn …

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21/02/2021 – 210221-Connect the Sentences

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 3-4

Tanggal: 21/02/2021 Activity: Please download the PDF attached. You can print and use pen to link up the sentence. Or you can also use PDF markup tools Bahan Tambahan: 210221-MainSlidesalinan.pdf Guru: Ivan

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