03/01/2021 – The Early Years of Jesus

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2:39 – 52 Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Ringkasan: Menyambung cerita Natal minggu lalu, setelah Yusuf dan Maria kembali dari Mesir, mereka tinggal di Nazareth dan membesarkan Yesus di Nazareth. Saat Yesus berumur 12 tahun, Yusuf dan Maria membawa Yesus ke Yerusalem utk perayaan “Passover (Paskah)”. Mereka membawa Yesus ke bait Allah. Setelah selesai perayaan …

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03/01/2021 – The Early Years of Jesus

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 1-2

Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Activity: Fill in the Blank and Multiple Choice Bahan Tambahan: 04.JesusInTempleMultipleChoice_Answer.pdf03.JesusInTempleMultipleChoice_Sermons4Kids.pdf02.JesusInTempleFillintheBlank_Answer.pdf01.JesusInTempleFillintheBlank_Sermons4Kids.pdf Guru: Cahyadi

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03/01/2021 – Worshiping God

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 24:12-18; 20:1-8 Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Ringkasan: God has design worship since beginning, we can see this from Cain and Abel gave offerings to God. Worship is very important because man is created and saved to worship God. God has put the knowledge of His existence in everyone heart so that we know that …

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03/01/2021 – God Sends His Son, Jesus

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2:1-20 Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Ringkasan: Before we start the bible story, we will engage with the children to share what is the best gift they have received in 2020. Then, we will continue to tell the children that today’s bible story would be about a special gift which God gave. This is God’s …

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03/01/2021 – Origami Manger

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Activity: Origami Manger with baby Jesus Bahan Tambahan: 03Jan21.pdf Guru: Dianawati

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03/01/2021 – Simeon and Anna

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Activity: Terlampir dalam file PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: SimeonandAnna.pdf Guru: Leonita

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03/01/2021 – God sends his son, Jesus

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Kindy

Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Activity: 1. Print the picture in A4 paper 2. Colour all the picture 3. Cut text “Love” and the star 4. Paste “Love” below the cross, and the star on top of the manger Bahan Tambahan: final-act3jan2021.jpgcross-act3jan2021.pdf Guru: Riri

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03/01/2021 – God sends his son

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Activity: Dear Parents, Ini activity buat minggu 3 Jan 2021. Di print template “God sends his son” pdf, diwarnai seperti contoh dan dilipat garis-garis untuk dibentuk seperti kado. Jangan lupa share di group ya, Thank you! God Bless, Harlina Bahan Tambahan: Godsendshisson.pdfgift-2.jpggift-1.jpg Guru: Harlina

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03/01/2021 – God Sends His Son, Jesus

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Lukas 2:1-20 Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Ringkasan: 1. Tuhan (Allah Bapa) begitu mengasihi kita, sehingga Dia berjanji akan memberikan gift kepada kita. Gift yang dijanjikan itu adalah Juru Selamat, yaitu Yesus. Dia adalah Tuhan sendiri (Allah Anak) yang datang ke dalam dunia untuk menyelamatkan kita. 2. Kenapa kita memerlukan Juru Selamat? Karena status kita berdosa. …

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03/01/2021 – Simeon and Anna

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Lukas 2:21-40 Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Ringkasan: Lesson Aim : To know that Jesus is the promised Savior Bible Truth : – Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to God – Simeon and Anna praised God for sending Jesus, the Savior – Jesus was the Promised One whom God’s people had waited and hoped for Ayat …

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