21/08/2022 – Lesson Twelve: Doing What God says

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Joshua 5:13-8:35 Tanggal: 21/08/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: God gave the Israelites victory when they obeyed Him, but when one man disobeyed God, the whole nation suffered. Lesson Aim: To understand that obedience to God brings us joy but disobedience brings sorrow, and to ask God to help us obey Him Point Pengajaran: – …

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14/08/2022 – Believing God’s Promises

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: (Numbers 27 : 12 – 23 ) & (Deuteronomy 3:21-29; 34) & (Joshua 1, 3 – 4) Tanggal: 14/08/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth : God chose Joshua to lead the Israelites safely into Canaan after Moses died. Menyambung pelajaran minggu lalu, dimana menghukum bangsa Israel selama 40 tahun berjalan di padang belantara krn mereka …

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24/07/2022 – Lesson Eight: Learning to Trust and Obey God

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Numbers 13-14 Tanggal: 24/07/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: The Israelites lost the joy of going into the Promised Land because they did not trust God enough to obey Him. Lesson Aim: To understand that we can trust God enough to obey Him. Point pengajaran: – Tuhan itu setia dan tidak pernah melupakan janji-Nya. – …

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17/07/2022 – Exodus 25 : 1 – 9 & Exodus 35 : 1 – 38 : 17 ; 40

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Meeting with GOD Tanggal: 17/07/2022 Ringkasan: Scripture : Exodus 25 : 1 – 9 Exodus 35 : 1 – 38 : 17 ; 40 Bible Truth : God gave his people plans for building the Tabernacle, where HE would meet with them and live among them Menyambung pelajaran minggu lalu, dimana Tuhan menampakkan …

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10/07/2022 – Lesson Six: Learning God’s Ways

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Scripture: Exodus 19-20, 32 Tanggal: 10/07/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: At Sinai, God entered into covenant with Israel as a nation, giving his people the Ten Commandments so they would know how He wanted them to live Lesson Aim: to learn that our loving covenant God forgives our sin and gives us the help …

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19/06/2022 – Lesson Three: Trusting God’s mercy

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 5:1 – 12:42 Tanggal: 19/06/2022 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: God sent judgment on those who did not believe Him, showed mercy to those who trust Him and led His people out of slavery Lesson Aim: To believe that God shows mercy to those who trust in Christ alone for salvation Cerita hari ini …

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12/06/2022 – Believing God Loves Us.

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 2:11 – 4 : 17 Tanggal: 12/06/2022 Ringkasan: Ringkasan Khotbah Minggu kedua June (12 Juni 2022) NAST Alkitab : EXODUS 2:11 – 4 : 17 Tema : Believing God Loves Us. melanjutkan cerita Minggu lalu dimana Musa di ambil oleh putri Firaun dan di besarkan di Istan. setelah Musa dewasa di istana, …

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22/05/2022 – Paul Followed God’s Leading

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Act 15 : 40 – 16 : 40 Tanggal: 22/05/2022 Ringkasan: ini ringkasan dari Sunday School minggu lalu Cerita minggu lalu adalah memyambung perjalanan Paulus setelah dari Siprus dan Ikonium Paulus pergi ke beberapa kota spt Derbe, Listra. Paulus berencana untuk mengabarkan Injil ke Britinia tetapi Roh Kudus mencegahnya. dan kemudian Paulus mendapat …

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08/05/2022 – God Chose Saul

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 9:1-31 Tanggal: 08/05/2022 Ringkasan: Point pengajaran: Since the old time, human has always tried to search and imagine God, they created statues to pray to idols. God chosen people are small in numbers and they have been waiting for The Messiah. After Jesus went up to heaven, disciples and early Christian called …

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