15/11/2020 – 15/11/20 – God loves and forgives His children (Sunday School)

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 15/11/2020 Activity: 1. To cut & color all images : – Stone tablet images – Moses image 2. Fold the stone tables image 3. Paste/glue to Moses image Bahan Tambahan: 15-Nov-20-11-God-loves-and-forgives-His-children-Sunday-School.pdf Guru: Priska

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15/11/2020 – God Delivered Joseph

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 39-41 Tanggal: 15/11/2020 Ringkasan: Bible Truth : – Joseph was lied about, put in prison. – God took care of Joseph. – Joseph deliveredJoseph. – Joseph was put in charge of saving food. Lesson Aim : To learn that God is everywhere and cares for us all the time. God’s sovereignty in …

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08/11/2020 – Guarding the Gospel

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 2 Timothy Tanggal: 08/11/2020 Ringkasan: 2 Timothy Background: – Written by Paul from the Mamertine prison around 66AD. After Paul was released from first Roman imprisonment (62AD) and completed his fourth missionary journey, he was imprisoned again by Emperor Nero. – It is the last letter that Paul wrote – Paul was put …

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08/11/2020 – God Cared For Joseph

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 37 Tanggal: 08/11/2020 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: – Brothers were jealous of Joseph. – God was with Joseph all the time. – God had a special job for Joseph to do in Egypt. – God was with Joseph all the time. Lesson Aim: – God knows all things. – God is everywhere. Ayat …

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08/11/2020 – God makes a Promise

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 19:20-24 Tanggal: 08/11/2020 Ringkasan: Hukum Taurat dibuat karna Tuhan mengasihi kita. Jika kita bebas, tidak ada yg memberikan peringatan, kita akan hancur. Sama seperti hal nya, kalau Papa dan Mama marah sama kita, artinya kita disayang. Jangan menganggap diri kita hebat, kita smua adalah manusia berdosa. Ayat Hafalan: Psalm 54:4a Surely God …

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08/11/2020 – God Makes a Promise

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 08/11/2020 Activity: God gave the Ten Commandments and the law as He wanted His children to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. Colour this page as you remember that we need God’s help to obey His Word. Bahan Tambahan: Sunday-School-Activity_God-Makes-a-Promise_8-November-2020.pdf Guru: Anastasia

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08/11/2020 – Speaking Only What is True

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 19:18-19, Proverbs 12:22, 18:8, 22:1, Genesis 3:4-5, John 8:44, 14:6, Leviticus 19:16, Psalm 25:5, Ephesians 4:15, 25 Tanggal: 08/11/2020 Ringkasan: Today, the students learned about the 9th Commandment: do not bear false witness against your neighbor. This commandment speaks about the importance of telling the truth when we are bearing …

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01/11/2020 – Obey God and be strong

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 1-2

Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Activity: Word search Bahan Tambahan: Jeremiah.pdfCall-Of-Jeremiah-Alphabet-Soup.pdfCall-Of-Jeremiah-Alphabet-Soup-_-Answer.pdf Guru: Cahyadi

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01/11/2020 – Obey God and Be Strong

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Jeremiah 37 – 39 Tanggal: 01/11/2020 Ringkasan: Tema : Obey God and Be Strong Nabi Yeremia adalah nabi terakhir yang memperingati Yehuda bahwa Allah akan menghukum mereka bahwa mereka akan di kalahkan oleh bangsa Babel. karena mereka sudah tidak taat kepada Allah dan menyembah berhala. Memberitakan Firman tentang penghukuman Tuhan tidaklah gampang karena …

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08/11/2020 – Lesson Ten: Obey a Loving God

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Daniel 1 Tanggal: 08/11/2020 Ringkasan: – Kerajaan Yehuda diserahkan Tuhan kepada kerajaan Babel karena Tuhan menghukum Yehuda atas ketidaktaatan mereka. Kenyataan ini kemungkinan juga membuat Daniel dan teman-temannya bertekad untuk lebih menaati Firman Tuhan. – Banyak orang Yehuda dibuang ke Babel. Daniel dan ketiga temannya terpilih menjadi scholars yang akan dipekerjakan di kerajaan …

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