We would like to invite you to the upcoming Seminar.
– Fri, 11 Oct 2024 at 7.30pm
– Sat, 12 Oct 2024 at 3pm
Address: 237 Alexandra Road, #03-05, S159929

The Old Testament narratives are often difficult to understand and be applied to the Christian life. However, the New Testament writers assure us that the entire Bible can teach and guide us towards the truth. This seminar will discuss how the Old Testament narratives in various ways illustrate the person and work of Jesus Christ, and encourage us as contemporary Christians to faith and obedience.
Dr. Coleman’s academic interests include biblical languages; ancient Near Eastern language and literature; linguistics; wisdom literature and the psalms. His dissertation was published as The Biblical Hebrew Transitivity Alternation in Cognitive Linguistic Perspective (Harrassowitz Verlag). Other publications include: Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: A 12-Week Study in the Knowing the Bible series (Crossway) and journal articles in Biblical Interpretation and Unio Cum Christo.